Aroma magic eucalyptus essential oil 20ml

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Scientifically known as “Eucalyptus Globulus”, Eucalyptus essential oil is famous for its anti-viral properties and anti-septic qualities. It has its origin in Australia but now it is also found in Europe, Africa, India and countries with a Mediterranean climate.


  • It eases colic, cold, cough and chest problems.

  • It is a very effective insect repellent.

  • It cures migraines and helpful in diabetes.

How to use


Eucalyptus essential oil can be used for massages. Mix 2-3 drops of the essential oil into a carrier oil or hair oil and blend it well.


Add 4-5 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil to your bathtub or 3-4 drops to the bucket and swish the water gently to mix the oil well. If you have dry skin, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil along with the essential oil.


Use 4-5 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil in a diffuser bowl filled with three-quarters of water. Essential oils should never be burnt directly as the chemical structure can get changed with incineration.


To relieve from asthma, sinusitis conditions, mix 2-3 drops of eucalyptus essential oil into inhalation water. As it vaporizes, place a towel over your head and take deep breaths.

During congestion, use eucalyptus for inhalation by diluting 2-3 drops in water.

Mix 2-3 drops in a carrier oil and apply on temples, chest, throat, and forehead to relieve from flu.


Brands:- Aroma Magic

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