Aroma magic peppermint oil 20ml

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Aroma Magic PEPPERMINT OIL (20mL)

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Scientifically known as “Mentha Piperita”, Peppermint Essential Oil also has universal qualities like Lavender Essential Oil. It is produced all over the world, but the best quality can be found in England and Southern France.


  • It relieves in headache, nausea, travel sickness and fatigue.

  • It can cure troubles like bad breath, insomnia, and flatulence.

  • It helps in good digestion.

  • It keeps insects, mice, and fleas away.

How to use


Peppermint essential oil can be used for massages. Mix 2-3 drops of the essential oil into a carrier oil and blend it well.


Add 4-5 drops of Peppermint essential oil to your bathtub or 3-4 drops to your bucket and swish the water gently to mix the oil well. If you have dry skin, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil along with the essential oil.


Use 4-5 drops of Peppermint essential oil in a diffuser bowl filled with three-quarters of water. Essential oils should never be burnt directly as the chemical structure can get changed with an incinerator.


Peppermint essential oil can be used to repel insects, add a few drops to small pieces of cotton. Place them in the closets and drawers.

To cure nausea, put 1-2 drops of Peppermint essential oil on a tissue paper and inhale.

If you have sinusitis, use it as a steam inhalation. Add 1-2 drops of Peppermint essential oil to a bowl of steaming water to vaporize the oil and place a towel over your head and inhale deep breathes.



  • It should not be used by pregnant women.


Brands:- Aroma Magic

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