Aroma magic tea tree essential oil 20ml

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Tea Tree essential oil is pressed out from the leaves of Melaleuca Alternifolia, a small tree native to Australia. Tea tree got its name from the 18th-century sailors who made tea from the leaves of the tree which smelled like nutmeg. This tree grew along the swampy southeast Australian coast. The native Australians crushed the tea leaves to extract the oil, which was inhaled to treat coughs and colds or applied directly to the skin for healing.

Tea tree essential oil keeps the skin, hair, and nails healthy. The microbe-fighting properties make tea tree oil a natural remedy that helps in treating bacterial and fungal skin conditions, prevents infections and promotes healing. Tea tree essential oil is used to treat minor cuts and scrapes and athlete’s foot, relieve psoriasis, boost wound healing and helps to control dandruff. The consumption of tea tree oil can be toxic.


  • It is a strong antiseptic and antiviral.

  • It relieves sunburns and acne.

  • It can combat foot odour and dandruff.

How to use


Tea tree essential oil has anti-bacterial properties. Thus it can be used in a diffuser for sick rooms. Use 3-4 drops of Tea tree essential oil in a diffuser bowl filled with three-quarters of water. Essential oils should never be burnt directly as the chemical structure can get changed with an incinerator.


For chronic acne, apply 1 drop of tea tree essential oil directly on the affected area pimples.

For itching feet, mix 1 drop of tea tree essential oil and with water and rub on soles and between the toes of the feet.

For smelly feet issues, take 1-2 drops of tea tree essential oil on a tissue and wipe the inside of the shoes with it to get rid of stink causing bacteria.

If you’re having dandruff troubles, mix 3-4 drops of tea tree essential oil with almond oil or jojoba oil and massage it on your scalp.


Tea tree essential oil should be used carefully on sensitive areas.


Brands:- Aroma Magic

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