Zenius Skin Psoriasis Kit Is Combo of Skin Psoriasis Care 60 Tablets and Skin Psoriasis Care 100ML Oil

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Easy on Skin: Designed for sensitive skin, it's easy to use for long-term psoriasis management., Boosted Confidence: As your skin starts to look and feel better, you'll likely experience a boost in your confidence, allowing you to feel more comfortable in


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Zenius Skin Psoriasis Care Combo Pack – your all-in-one solution for managing psoriasis discomfort. This pack includes Skin Psoriasis Care Tablets and Skin Psoriasis Care Oil, both made with good-for-you stuff. They work together to soothe itching, reduce redness, and make your skin healthier. Say goodbye to discomfort and hello to smoother, more confident skin with Zenius Brand's Combo Pack.,Complete Relief: This combo pack includes both Tablets and oil to tackle psoriasis from the inside and outside., Natural Goodness: It's made with natural things, so you get relief without harsh chemicals., Less Itching and Redness: Feel better as the combo pack soothes itching and redness for more comfort in your daily life., Reduced Swelling: It helps reduce redness and swelling., Skin Hydration: Keep your skin moisturized and comfortable.,Easy on Skin: Designed for sensitive skin, it's easy to use for long-term psoriasis management., Boosted Confidence: As your skin starts to look and feel better, you'll likely experience a boost in your confidence, allowing you to feel more comfortable in your own skin., Daily Comfort: With the combination of Tablets and oil, you can manage psoriasis symptoms effectively on a daily basis, ensuring ongoing relief., Convenient Routine: This combo pack is designed for your convenience, making it easy to incorporate into your daily skincare routine., Ingredients(Tablet):- Neem, Manjistha, Mulethi, Cumin, Khadira, Bakuchi, Aloevera, Haldi. (Oil):- Neem, Haldi, Coconut oil, Inderjao, Amla, Haritaki, Baheda, Aloevera, Tea tree, Black cumin.

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