Zenius Hair Serum for Frizzy Hair, Hair Serum for Men & Women (50ML Serum)

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Straighten your hair at home instantly with this revolutionary product which is infused with heat activated protein, Gives a glossy and shiny look to your hair, by coating your every strand of hair., Apply evenly throughout the lengths of dry/damp hair.,


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Zenius Hair serum is a product that is applied to the hair to add shine, reduce frizz, and help protect the hair from damage. It is typically a liquid or lightweight oil that is applied to the hair after washing and drying. Hair serum can be used on all hair types, but is especially beneficial for those with dry, damaged, or frizzy hair. It can help to smooth the hair, making it easier to style and manage. Some hair serums may also contain ingredients that can help to nourish and moisturize the hair, helping to improve its overall health and appearance. Hair serums are typically applied to the ends of the hair, but can also be applied to the mid-lengths and roots for added nourishment.,Zenius Hair Serum is a very effective remedy for those suffering from hair fall, hair thinning and grey hair problems., Promotes blood circulation to the roots & strengthens the strands, Revives damaged hair & reduces breakage., It helps in strengthening the hair follicle and regrowth of hair.,Straighten your hair at home instantly with this revolutionary product which is infused with heat activated protein, Gives a glossy and shiny look to your hair, by coating your every strand of hair., Apply evenly throughout the lengths of dry/damp hair., Improves hair texture & adds shine., IngredientsKanchnar Chal, Neem, Haridra, Giloye, Sudh Gandhak, Kattha, Manjeeth, Anantmool, Gorakhmundi.

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