Zenius Migrain Kit:Migraine Relief Tablets, One Sided Head Pain Releif Medicine (60 Tablets & 30ML Drops)

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May have fewer side effects than some prescription medications, May be suitable for those who cannot take certain types of medication due to allergies or other health conditions, May be a safer option for pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding, Ma


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We have tried to formulate the most soothing and completely Migraine Treatment Medicine to overcome the issue in the safe and silent way. And, so far, observing the results that our patients have achieved, we are convinced that this medicine has the ability to do something really good for the precious human lives. Migraine is one of the worst problems that could arise to a human due to its direct connection to brain. Zenius Migrain kit Migraine Treatment Medicine at home is for all those people out there who are unable to control this severe issue with general measures.,May help to reduce the frequency and severity of migraines, May provide relief from headache and other symptoms associated with migraines, May improve overall quality of life for those with migraines, May be more convenient and easier to take than traditional medications,May have fewer side effects than some prescription medications, May be suitable for those who cannot take certain types of medication due to allergies or other health conditions, May be a safer option for pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding, May be more affordable than some prescription medications, Ingredients(Tablet):- Ashwagandha, Brahmi, Dashmool, Loh Bhasam, Godanti bhasam, Gokhru, Vidang, Amla, Baheda, Harad, Mulethi, Chitraka. (Oil):- Ashwagandha, Brahmi, Tejpata, Shatawar, Rasnapan, Gokhru, Vidang, Amla, Baheda, Harad, Mulethi.

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