Zenius Kidney Care Capsule for Kidney Stone Pain Relief Medicine, Kidney Stone Removal Capsule (60 Capsules)

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It is a natural and ayurvedic supplement that can provide renal care and improve kidney functions, It acts as a tonic for the urinary system and helps to dissolve and flush out kidney stones, It prevents the formation of new stones and urinary tract infec


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All of these ingredients are termed magical in Ayurveda for treating Kidney and other urinary related problems and difficulties. These special ingredients will detoxify your body by flushing out all the toxins and keep your urinary and digestive system healthy. Zenius Kidney care capsules are also very effective in treating kidney stones, the ingredients present in the capsules will first help you to flush out all the toxins naturally hence giving relief to the kidney and start its healing procedure by treating kidney stones to break into simpler form and throw it out of the body by the natural process. Zenius Kidney care capsules are a mix of several Ayurvedic herbs such as Punarnava, Patharchata, Ganoderma, Gokhru, and Varun.,Helps in Stones Dissolving, Anti-Inflammatory Properties, Natural and safe ayurvedic ingredients, It can provide renal care and improve kidney functions, It can help to flush out kidney stones,It is a natural and ayurvedic supplement that can provide renal care and improve kidney functions, It acts as a tonic for the urinary system and helps to dissolve and flush out kidney stones, It prevents the formation of new stones and urinary tract infections, It can also help reduce urinary tract problems, IngredientsGokhru, punarnava, pashanbhed, sweta parpati, hakrulyuhud, mooli kshar, kalmi shora, ajwain, sonth, pipal, kali mirch, nagarmotha

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