Rudraa Forever Lavender Essential Oil 10ml

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Rudraa Forever Lavender Essential Oil 10ml

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Rudraa Lavender Essential oil works to kill bacteria and helps in reducing
inflammation. It is also used to treat depression, high blood pressure, menstrual
pain and some other conditions. It also provides relief from headache,
toothache, and sores. Lavender oil feels good on sunburns and helps preventing
burn skin.

Rudraa Lavender Essential oil is most popular essential oil used to treat
anxiety, fungal infections, allergies, depression, and nausea. It helps in treating
acne and healing skin wounds because of its antibacterial properties. Lavender
essential oil is also beneficial for shining and healthier long hairs.



 Helps in treatment of hair loss
 Provides relief from muscles and joint pain
 Defends body against typhoid and tuberculosis
 Boosts immunity and digestive health
 Reduces mental stress and anxiety
 Reduces risk of heart diseases like strokes
 Rich in anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties
 Helps to maintain healthy skin
 Heals cuts, burns, and scraps
 Removes/reduces dandruff
 Improves blood circulation.

ential Oil 10ml
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