Rudraa Forever Nabhi Oil

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Rudraa Forever Nabhi Oil

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Our belly button is attached to 72,000 veins inside our body. Massaging your navel with Rudraa Herbal Nabhi oil drops Ayurvedic Navel Oil for Glowing Skin & Healthy Hair in the belly button is highly efficient for various skin and hair related issues such as pigmentation, acne, scars, greying of hair and hair loss. It may also help to boost the digestive system, helps to relieve from acidity , helpful in eye sight related problem, helpful in cervical and migraine, manage weight, calms painful muscles and aching joints and increase general energy levels.

This Nabhi Oil/ Navel Oil/ belly button oil removes face hyper pigmentation, itchiness and pimples, fades away acne scars and dark spots, rejuvenates the skin, gets rid of blemishes and blackheads, and unclogs skin pores. When massaged on the belly button, daily at night, it may help heal and rejuvenate the scalp and overall hair health. Moreover, it eliminates dandruff, along with relieving a dry scalp and provides your hair with the lost shine.

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